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If enabled, other users can promote your proposal by sharing it on different platforms.
Figure should be in percentage. E.g 20 is the same as 20% from the sale of this proposal.
When another user promotes your proposal, how much would you like that user to get from the sale? (in dollars)
Instant Delivery
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! Instant Delivery Will Only Work When Some One Buy This Proposal Directly Or Buy Cart.
With this, any item uploaded on here will be available for instant download after purchase.


Accepted Files: jpeg, jpg, gif, png, tif, avi, mpeg, mpg, mov, rm, 3gp, flv, mp4, zip, rar, mp3, wav, docx, csv, xls, pptx, pdf, txt

Max Upload Size: 100mb

Fixed Price :

If you want to use packages, you need to set this field value to 0.
Set to 0 if your proposal is configured for instant delivery.
Please select 1 day if this is for an instant delivery.
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